Submitted by delilah
When all hope fails, what do we rely on?
Write a poem or story on what we turn to when we lose hope. Think about the emotions and problems that occur when this happens, and how it's dealt with.
Hope in Jesus
My hope will never die
And let me tell you why.
There is One who died for me
Upon a tree on Calvary
But Jesus’ death upon that cross
Cannot be counted as a loss.
For the tomb was filled with air
Jesus’ body wasn’t there!
So my hope is never lost
Because Jesus paid the cost
Even if my life is down
Even if I wear a frown
Even if my body fail
Even if at God I rail
There is hope within my breast
Even when I fail the test.
But following the King of kings
Will not give you lots of things.
No guarantees in this life
Yes, we still have stress and strife.
You will not always be happy
On your way to being holy.
And the hope resides inside
Because Jesus walks beside.
No matter what happens to me
I will try and do my duty
To love God with all my heart
And to try and do my part
To share His love with others
Love them as my sisters and my brothers.
What has this to do with hope?
It is the foundation of my hope.
For no matter what happens to me
Even if I am hung upon a tree
Even if I suffer for my belief
Even if I can never have relief
Even if success eludes me
I’ll have hope enough to be
Content with how I am inside
With Jesus ever by my side.