'Farewell, my almost lover'

End your poem with this line, reflecting on lost love.

Long Live Autumn

I’m not a fan of October.

I don’t like the orange leaves, the first crunch, the spooky season, the pumpkin spice lattes, the cold chill in the air.

That was until I meat Autumn.

She changed everything.

I saw her in a coffee shop, she had a sweet smile and cinnamon swirl eyes. She was sitting at a table with a book. Every once in a while she’d glance up and look at me, and I’d find myself wracking my brain for every reason not to go over there.

But I did.

When she smiled and said “hi” I felt something warm in my heart. I sat down and we talked. I gave her my number. She called. We talked nearly every day, we went out on what I presumed were dates. She held my hand, she laughed with me, took photos with me, she looked after me when I was sick.

“That’s just what friends do”

Soon October was leaving and November was coming and I tried my best to grip onto Autumn for as long as I could, but all the leaves stopped crunching, and all the pumpkins grew mould.

I loved Autumn, but I hated the fall, she said goodbye. I

turned my back.

“Farewell, my almost lover.”

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