Sanctuary. Elevate. Conscious.

In a story of no more than 10 lines, use these three words in any order. Try not to randomly throw them in, but think about a storyline that allows you to link them all naturally.

Moving Day

Juliette throws the last box into the back of the U-Haul with an obnoxious grunt then reaches up on her tip toes to yank down the rolling door. Clapping her hands together once the U-Haul is locked, she turns excitedly to me and cracks a wide grin.

“We need to hurry if we want to beat traffic and get back to the sanctuary before it gets dark.”

“Sanctuary?” I chuckle. “Is that what we’re calling our two bedroom apartment with no dishwasher, no washer and dryer hook up and no dining room?”

“Absolutely, we just have to elevate it to our level. You know it’s all about feng shui and you’re killing it with your negativity!” She rambles on while I climb into the front seat.

I take a deep breath, “how about I promise to be more conscious about my negativity in our new place if you promise to clean up after yourself?”

Juliette grins and throws out her pinky finger, “deal!”

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