Write a story about a theif, which encourages the reader to side with, and like, this criminal.

Maybe they are charming and whitty, maybe they steal for the right reasons, maybe they share their wealth; make us want to be the theif's friend!

Guy Steals Money

Mangerdenon was just a nice man except for one thing, he was a thief. He smoked against the back wall of the Washington Robotics lab building when suddenly the metal door next to him opened loudly and a guard came walking out and leaned next to him “Mind giving me a light” the gaurd said pointing his cigarette toward Mangerdenon.

“Yeah no problem.”

Mangerbendon pulled out his trusty bright blue bic lighter and lit the mans cigarette.

“Thanks man”.

Shortly after it began to poor down hard the guard quickly ran to the door, unlocked it, and held it open for Mangerdenon.

“Thank you” Mangerdenon saId. The guard waved and walked the other way “. He walked to the elevator down the hall and went into the elevator. Mangerdenon. Lick on the button to go to the 50th floor, the top floor. When the door rang he got and quickly ran to a closet to his left he quickly opened it and slowly pulled out a large yellow four wheeled mop cart from the closet he filled it up with the liquid solution and tjen with water from a hose . Then he rolled the loud kart into the large office in the corner. He unlocked the door and saw that the CEO had left his wallet on the desk. Mangerdenon looked at the wallet and thought of his son. He quickly looked around, leaned the mop against a wall and carefully pulled out about 20 bills from the wallet. He quickly riffled through them and then picked one out from the group. He put the others bills back in the wallet and looked at the crisp $1.00 bill he had pulled out he quickly rushed it to his pocket and looked emberased. He picked up his mop again and continued to clean for the rest of the night.

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