Write a poem in ‘revorto’ form.

A reverto poem uses couplets that alternate between one highly poetic and one very unpoetic line. The form is meant to jar the reader from a sense of poetic beauty to something other.

Black Friday

When the clock strikes midnight, the gates fling open wide I cling to my wallet and leave behind my pride We crash forward like waves on rocks at the dawn’s first light My phone dies while trying to scroll through the sale site Blinded by the brilliant lights, I begin to chart my course I bump into someone and coffee goes down my shirt The air is charged with cries and laughter, as the thrill ignites For the year’s best deals, I’ll put up a good fight Thoughts of giving dissipate as we bargain our souls Yet another heavy cart is rolled over my toes We weave around rummaging for treasures in an intricate dance Just throw it all in the cart or you’ll lose your chance Perhaps amongst all the chaos, we can recall our shared humanity- Wait, did that guy just take the last TV? The audacity.
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