Submitted by Tedi Zimmermann

Write a poem about the power of tears.

I’m Cool But I Cry A Lot

(Not easy to write,possibly not easy for you to read,this is not light hearted and centre’s on themes of abuse)

Tears wash away the pain,an emotional river running down my cheeks, the pain you don’t see,when I’m home alone and I can let it all go

Flow away from me.

Into the ugly cry we go,snot running,tissues everywhere, I don’t even want to look in the mirror at me,puffy face,red hot nose.

Tell me where it hurts…..

when you didn’t hear me and you didn’t listen either mother dear.

When you burped in my face on purpose stupid high school boy.

When you told me we would go shopping together and then didn’t show up or remember to tell me,so called friends.

When you took the little girl I was and made me do bad things because I didn’t know anything at age three and a half!

When stupid male ,you ran your hand up my inner thigh in the back seat of my mothers car while she was driving and couldn’t see what you were doing!!! I was a child you absolute creep!!!

I hate you arsehole that shaved my cat when I was a little girl,you are a deadbeat waste of space!

I hate you father of a friend of mine who hit her daughter so hard she bruised instantly,right in front of me!

When you dear threatened to smash my head into the cupboard door but decided to spit in my face instead.

Why the fuck do I cry whenever I am alone?

Crying soothes the pain. Let me be, I just want to cry today. The only plans I have

Just let me be

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