Day 1
fAthEr iS teaChing mE HoW to wRite. mYy nAmE Is mAdElinE KolEman. I aM 14 YeaRs OlD.
Day 201
I don’t understand why he keeps insisting I do these.
He’s a very good pretender. But I know the truth. One day he’ll betray us both… I know it.
Day 472
Kurt asked about my journal. He thinks it’s funny I list them by the days. I’m glad he can’t understand braille yet. Otherwise, he might be cross with me for what I said about Father. Kurt is a fool. A naive fool who is far too kind. I blame Father. He was the one who got him into this foolish religion. God will not save us. God did not save me. I saved myself.
Day 473
Yesterday was my birthday. I am 16 year’s old. I think Father felt bad for me. Blind people cannot drive cars or get driver’s licenses. Let alone a blind mutant. It’s fine, really. Kurt can take me wherever I want to go. Soon, we’ll leave this place and run far away.
Day 882
Father did not come home today. Kurt is such a worry wart. He believes something bad has happened to Father. Perhaps he’s finally abandoned us.
Day ?
I am tired. Kurt is tired. He misses Father Ariandele. We found this old church. It’s not much but it’s good enough. No one will ever hurt us again. I miss Father Ariandele. I hope the human doctors are taking care of him. I hope I will see him again. I hope he will be proud of the woman I am.