Conversations With My Dog

Good morning

Of course I want to pet your belly

Do you think I’ll ever be good enough?

I wish I could see myself

Through your eyes

How are you so beautiful?

Do you think I’ll ever be pretty?

Do you ever feel the need,

To fake being ok?

Of course I’ll take your toy

And play.

Tug of war is easier

When it’s only with a toy.

I know your a dog

But do you ever play tug of war

With your own thoughts?

You never worry about food

Or what weight you are gaining,

I love when you wag your tail.

Sometimes I worry

I will never be good enough.

How are you so perfect?

Do you want a hug?

Maybe if I fake it,

Fake being ok,

One day I’ll mean it.

Do you have to go potty?

Of course I’ll go outside with you.

I hope nobody sees me,

I’ve gained more weight.

Do you want to get your ball,

And play fetch?

Sometimes I think failing

Is all I will be good at.

Do you wanna go to bed?

Are you tired like me?

What’s it like to fall asleep -

Without any worries?

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