
“Why hello there! You’re probably wondering how you managed to find us here. Don’t worry, you’re one of the lucky few that do. Let me be the first to congratulate you on ending your journey here. My name is........”

That’s where the talking voice on the screen stopped. It welcomed me to this place that I have no idea how I got here. The last thing I remember I was finishing up my drink before last call, when suddenly my vision went dark. Next thing you know I’m standing before this screen with the talking head, who’s name I don’t know.

Am I dreaming or am I dead? At this point I prefer the latter. I have nothing really to live for, no job , no friends, no love life , pretty much no reason to get up in the morning. Which is why you’ll find me drinking my non existent life away at the bar every night, hoping this will be the night I’ll drink myself to death.

If this dark hole of a place is death, wow does this suck more than my actual life. Either way I’m not surprised. Why would things all of sudden work out for me and I would actually end up in a place Im happy to be in.

Even in this dark whole of a place I can’t seem to find the energy to look around and try to figure out where I am. So I do what I do best, I sit down,pull out my flask and drink.

It wasn’t until after about what seems like an eternity that the voices began whispering. I passed it off as me being drunk but as soon as I sobered up and had no more alcohol to drink, the whispers started to become real. As far as I can tell there’s nothing around. Instead of a plain white room like in that movie it’s an all black room.

I really don’t see any point in trying to get out of here, as far as I know I’m probably blacked out drunk still at the bar. This is merely just me hallucinating. But then the whispers start up again.

At first they start off very faint where I can’t make out a word. Then they’ll pick up clear enough to hear a word or two.

I’ll hear, “Tall”, “Blue”, words that make no sense to me. But then I hear two more words that scare me, “John Wolf” , my name.

“Who’s out there?”, I yell. “What do you want from me? “How do you know my name ?”

Nothing, no reply. Am I still hallucinating? Am I really dead ? Where the hell am I ? Just then a speaker turns on...

“Hello, my name is Barbara, welcome to Wolfsville, where we’ve been anxiously waiting for your return! We’ve been waiting years and you’re finally here ! “

And just like that, with a flick of the switch, the lights go up and all around me are figures that resemble people staring back at me. But these aren’t people at all. From what I can tell they’re little grey creatures with large heads dressed as if they were humans, and they have the most menacing smiles on their faces.

“Please tell me I’m dead”, I blatantly whisper to myself.

The crowd laughs as one giant creepy monotone voice.

“ Why you’re not dead silly. You’re here with us in our town of Wolfsville and we’ve been waiting a very long time for you. “

“ Whats Wolfsville?,” I ask.

Once again the crowd erupts in one long laugh.

“John you’re so silly. Wolfsville is our society that’s built and founded on the practices and beliefs of our founding father. The one man that made us who we are. The only man that we love and idolize.”

“Who’s that?”, I manage to whisper out.

“Why It’s you silly !”

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