Write a story where three characters who hate each other end up on holiday together.
You could focus on why this happened, or the situations that unfold because of it. Do the characters resolve their differences, or is the holiday terrible?
Weekend Holiday
Dear Fabiola,
You just think your so funny, don’t you? I arrived at the airport just fine. Thank you for the first class tickets, they were really worth it. I entered the cab you had assigned for me and we went to the docks. Following your instructions I entered boat of the nice cab driver so he would take me to the awesome luxury on-sea hotel for the extended weekend holiday you had planned for me. Supposedly you told me that I was gonna enjoy some time with other random people. I want you to know I did not laugh at what you did. Why did you bring Tommy and Luca too? The next time I see you you’ll regret it.
Dear Amy,
I don’t know what you’re talking about. We haven’t spoken in two months. Run. Leave. I don’t think this is right.