
Piles of odds and ends still waiting to be boxed up dotted the floor of her bedroom. She had lost steam about an hour ago, but they had to be on the road by noon, so she pressed on. Her packing was getting increasingly haphazard—toiletries were tossed into the crevices of jammed crates, and the other dorm necessities pushed into the remaining empty spots. She sat down on a clear corner of her bed and tried to settle the brain fog that was settling in. She leaned back onto a pile of sweatshirts and closed her eyes. She heard her bedroom door slowly open and expected to hear her mom chide her for slacking, but there were no words. Instead she heard the soft tinkle of Maple’s dog collar coming toward her. Her eyes still closed, she dangled her right arm off the side of the bed. Instantly, Maple pushed her soft head up into the palm of Jo’s hand as she pressed into the side of the bed. Tears came instantly as Jo forgot about all that college would bring her and instead considered what she would leave behind. She nestled deeper into the bed, pushing things aside as she did, and patted the clear space beside her. Maple jumped up and curled up beside her- the goodbye would have to wait a little longer.

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