Submitted by Cheyenne King
Describe a moment in life which seems to last forever.
You could write this as a poem or story, or as a descriptive paragraph.
Soul Hug
Looking in to your eyes, I know you can read me and I can read you. I feel like you understand my thoughts feelings and actions without even saying a word and I can do the same to you.
That hug we had, felt like it lasted a lifetime. The tingly sensation and the speckles of small pulsating magnets between us made me feel like we were in a different reality. It felt like the angels were with us that day bringing us together. It felt so magical and magnetic that I felt like someone was pouring angel or fairy dust all over us. I didn't want to let you go and I felt like you didn't want to either too. Only one thing comes to mind, it was a soul hug. One that connected us through many lifetimes.
Two months I waited patiently. I lost my sister and all I wanted was to hug you again and lay in your arms. But you wasn't there.
Sometimes I wonder whether you felt it too. Whether you think of me and that moment. Whether it imprinted in your memory like it did mine. Whether you feel me too and whether you are still connected to me.
I've learnt not to give in to illusions and fantasies now. Until I see something tangible, I don't want to think too much. One thing I know is that hug was deep and meaningful. I hope it meant the same for you like it did for me.