Write a poem about an awakening - it could be literal or metaphorical.
DNA Activation
She told me “be careful what you wish for…” as I sat across from her in my Spiritual friend’s bedroom.
I became Neo sitting across from Morpheus while this Clairvoyant Intuitive stared into my Soul.
My timeline was known by her. The one that I desired the most.
She told me that I didn’t know what I was capable of and that I was playing small.
The room began to warm up and I felt this energetic pull inside of me going somewhere.
She knew my past, she knew my present, she knew my future.
I woke up today ready and willing for my life to change.
The darkness engulfed me, every day before now seemed like a black hole of misery.
I had to do something different. I had to be open for weird change.
I wanted to be bad, I wanted expansion, I desired an activation.
My hatred of self was so intense that it lay inside me.
Unnoticed, unchecked, unhinged within.
The patterns had to be shattered, freedom would be the ultimate goal.
She asked if I was ready to go to the next level, I nodded nervously and said “yes”.
We traded places and she stood above me as I sat in front of her.
Her hands felt warm as she started to touch the top of my head.
The electric sparks came inside me and crawled up and down my spine.
Freedom, greatness, love, fortitude all became me.
Darkness, tyranny, malice, hatred showed me I had much to work on.
Pain was my pleasure and Stockholme Syndrome my outlook in life.
I left the room after our session knowing that my life forever changed.
The bright lights came on, everything turned into a huge glossy white room.
Jesus came to mind when he baptized others using just his hands.
The life I truly wanted was here and I had no idea yet on what to do with it.
The journey had just started and already it was an uphill battle to find stability.
I chose the road less traveled and through it be known the rewards and stakes were high.
I knew my life would be bad ass because I manifested a Spiritual Activation.
My mind was my true salvation, Namaste.