Describe a tense scene backstage at some kind of audition. Focus on the internal monologue of your protagonist.
Detail their anxieties and motivations as they wait for their turn. How do their nerves affect the outcome of their audition?
Romeo And Juliet
I see him. Draven Rosewood. The richest man in town, and he’s staring at me.
I ignore the stare, and move to my things.
My audition is next.
I need the role of Juliet, in Shakespeare’s _Romeo and Juliet_, if colleges will ever blink an eye at me.
“Elena Star,” someone calls my name.
I take a deep breath.
I begin to walk out, but a hand grabs my wrist.
I turn to see Draven smirking.
“Good luck, Star. Don’t mess up,” he says in his deep voice.
“I won’t,” I say clearly.
He laughs.
I get on stage and the nerves hit. I turn to see Draven waiting.
“Miss Star you may begin,” a judge says.
I take a deep breath and begin my monologue
After my audition, I feel good. I wait a few moments and then a loud voice calls all auditioners to the stage.
“Come see the cast list!”
I rush inside and my heart drops, I got Juliet and _Draven got Romeo! _
Oh no, why hath he be Romeo!