Inspired by Munch

The villains of this story are good people who have been brainwashed and hypnotised. The heroes, instead of fighting them, are desperately trying to help them.

Am I Right?

“As the police circle around an armed robbery site, the criminals engaged in the crime begin to flee. The police quickly leap out of their vehicle’s and begin to rob the shop themselves. This shocking display found it’s way on to the news within minutes. With that knowledge, the county government is forced to fire those who took part in that heinous crime. Though they were fired, they continue to go into work and commit the crimes that they were hired to stop.

“After only a few weeks of this strange phenomenon, vigilantes begin to rise up against the former heroes of the city. When they manage to capture the former good guys, they realize that the police had been brainwashed by a mole from the inside. Fortunately, one of the vigilantes was a state congressman, which made it incredibly easy to get among the ranks.

“He had been searching through the ranks for weeks when he found the mayor of the county in the middle of one of his brainwashing sessions. He had been brainwashing them to do crimes so that he wouldn’t have to pay too many members of the force so that he could use the money for his own personal gain. He was promptly arrested, and forced to return the force to how they were before this incident occurred. It’s been two years since this horrific incident, and the city has seen major recovery since.

“I’m Brian Fantana, live lavishly, Santa Monica.”

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