Deep Roots

Write a poem about the importance of roots - it could be physical (like a tree) or metaphorical (like a character's upbringing), or a comparison of both!

But I’m Not them…

I’ve always been different, or from my family,

We have roots that bring gold,

But my life isn’t the same as it should be told,

It’s seems I should be a fighter and a warrior,

But I wish to be an author,

My family tells me that can’t be a job,

And I end up burying myself in my room to sob,

They say I can’t make a living from words,

But I’ve been told I can do anything from the lords,

I’m told to be useless and not like my ancestors,

But that’s because I’m not them,

Or so I believe,

We have similar blood, but not exactly alike,

I’m not my cousin riek,

Or my friend Mike,

I’m me,

Not my ancestor, not my mom or dad, me!

And that is exactly who I want to be,

We have different minds,

And I have different signs,

My mind is drawing me to pages,

And telling me I can make enough wages,

I’ll take the risk,

And remember it’s to my wrist,

I’m not a plane builder, or a famous drawer,

I’m a writer,

And I’m not them…

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