by Thomas Griesbeck @ Unsplash

'The Lake'. Write a crime, mystery, or horror story about what happened at this location.

Camping Trip

Me and James were camping near a lake. It was our first night there. Everything was going good. Until, I woke up in the middle of the night. I looked to my side. James wasn’t there. I assumed he walked away to go to the bathroom. I went back to sleep.

I woke up after a few hours at the crack of dawn. I looked to my side again, James wasn’t there. I began to worry. I started searching the woods. My heart racing in fear. I was searching for about two hours. I was tired and I felt as if I were starving. I started heading back to the camp. I needed firewood, food, and water. First I went into the forest and picked up small logs and sticks. I heard strange rustling in the leaves. It was probably just an animal. After I had picked up enough wood for a fire, I headed back to the tent. I placed rocks in a circle then placed some dry leaves and the firewood I had collected. I grabbed matches from my backpack and lit the fire. I grabbed the fishing rods I packed and walked onto the dock over the lake. I put bait on the fishing hook and cast it into the water. A few minutes passed. Nothing. Almost another hour passed. Nothing. I was desperate for food. I started to walk around the lake to see if I could spot any fish. Nothing.

Finally I heard a fish jump out of the water and back in. I was relieved. But the only problem, was that I didn’t see the fish. I looked around in the direction the sound came from. I realized it came from underneath the dock. I walked up to the dock and looked around for the fish. I bent over to see under the dock. But there was no fish. I decided to cast my bait under the dock. After a few seconds a something grabbed the bait, It started to pull very hard. The fishing rod flew out of my hands and under the dock.

_It couldn’t have been a fish, _I thought to myself.

I didn’t know what to do. I had no fishing rod to catch fish, but I haven’t eaten in over a day. I still hadn’t found James. I heard something rise from the water. I looked around to see what it was. I noticed something. I saw a head, with it’s to eyes staring directly at me. I jumped when I realized what it was. I started walking backwards slowly. Then I turned around and jolted to the tent. I got inside quickly and started panicking.

It was getting dark so I must’ve just seen a rock, is what I told myself.

I lay there in fear and hunger. I didn’t know what to do.

I heard crunching in the leaves heading toward the tent.

Was it James?

I nearly fainted when I realized the sound was coming from the direction of the lake.

Slowly, the zipper to the entrance of the tent began to move.

The door was now wide open.

I looked up. I saw the face of a ghost. I recognized the ghost. I quickly realized, it was James.

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