Write a 100-word description of your main character's physical appearance.
Consider which features are most important to mention; which might factor into the story, or change the way the reader, and other characters, interact with your protagonist?
A Man
He was special, different and confident because he knew - in his looks and his personality. 5 o’clock shadow, piercing brown eyes, thick eyebrows and a strong, macho look on his fact like he didn’t have anything to smile about. But when he did smile, a soft charming, yet beaming smile portrayed a glowing aura in the air. It made you not want to look away. He was about 5’9 in height and muscular with big arms, proportioned extremely well. He stood tall with his back straight & good posture; his head up and chest out with a handsome smell and dressed well. He had a presence when he walked in a room, plenty times made tense, because his bravado and confidence took over the space. And it was damming to see him stand in that shine, never did he bow out to the corner to limit that aura. He could talk to anyone and he did, he always kept them smiling - and talking as well. He knew how to riff with anyone, and they all had a good time talking to him, it was impressive. But he was always alone, coming & going, as good as he made everyone feel, a lone soul as it seems.