
We as humans are judges, judges of other humans most of the time. We are humans which means we make mistakes. Tis what makes us human but that doesn’t justify mistakes tat hurt other people. I know I’m guilty of judging a person by their looks before i even meet them which is wrong and can cause them harm.

People are like water, they know what its like to be battered around weather through bullying, through verbal harm, or physical harm we humans batter eachother around we judge eachother and we don't do what we should, "love thy neighbor as thyself." Leviticus 19:18.

If we all lived by this rule the world would be much better. We have gotten so self centered weatehr we relise it or not. We focus on what WE want, not the needs of others. We ingore the people whom annoy us instead of understanding why they behave that way.

People need to rember that the gold rule and leviticus 19:18 should be how we live. We can't change other so don't even try work on this within thyself for if we focus on teaching it to others and we don't live that way ourself then tis pointless for both people.

You don't have to to something nobel peace prize worthy, all you have to do is keep calm and smile through all tht you can. Optimistic people are the ones whom do and have done great things. as the song goes "I'm looking at the man in the mirror. I'm askign him to change his ways. I don't hink the answer could be any clearer. If you want to make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make a change."

So rember, don't judge people before you meet them (don't make asumpptions). Try smile when someone is annoying you and understand that there is probably something that they are not feeling so great about. All it takes to change the world is on eact of kindness because kindness unlike hatred is contagiouse.

The end

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