
"So Jessica, will you come with me to the wedding or not?" She asked me.

"I don't know Melissa. Won't it be weird if I literally don't know anyone there?" I replied.

"Trust me girl, you'll be fine. You have me!" With that I reluctantly agreed. I knew she wouldn't stop until I did anyway.

The wedding was only two weeks away, so we decided to go dress shopping. Neither of us were 'girly girls' so we didn't really have many options.

I’m not really good at dressing up even for girls night out. I just like to be comfortable and comfort to me is leggings, a tank top, and a hoodie.

We decided on Ross for dress shopping. They’re reasonably priced and have a decent selection and as a young writer I need to pinch every penny I can.

We grabbed a few dresses off of the rack and then headed back to the fitting room, we shared the handicap one. I never like how anything looks on me. I think I look disgusting.

“Ugh, I hate my reflection.” I said.

“Stop it Jess. You’re beautiful.” Melissa replied.

“I just don’t like anything that I see. I have a horrible sense of self image.”

“Well, you are beautiful. Maybe you should talk to someone about those feelings. They’re kind of dark.”

“Yeah, maybe.”

“That’s my favorite one that you’ve tried on by the way. The teal really brings out the blue in your eyes.”

“Thanks Melissa. So you think this is the one?”

“Most definitely.”

I went with the teal dress. Melissa liked it and I’m not good at that sort of thing anyway. She chose a pink rose colored dress with lace. But she always looks good in anything. Everything complements her blonde hair and brown eyes.


The day of the wedding

I woke up a nervous wreck and I didn’t know why. I didn’t know anyone that was going to be there so why did I care so much?

Melissa came over. She wanted to get ready together. She was better at make up then me so that was her idea. All I did was braid my hair last night so it would be curly today, I never wear make up. I don’t see the point. I am who I am and I look how I look for a reason. Why change it? Plus I don’t like how it feels, it’s a sensory thing.

She put this black, grey smokey eye look on me and a simple clear gloss. For herself, a slightly darker pink shade then her dress was. Then it was time for the shoes. I hated heals but she insisted and you don't say no to Melissa.

"You look great!" Melissa squealed.

"I wish I felt great."

"Oh, stop it. You'll be fine. Let's go."

She drove. I could have but I was to anxious and when my anxiety takes over its no good for me to be behind a wheel. It took about 20 minutes or so to get there.

'Welcome to the Wedding of Daniel and Jennifer' the sign in the entrance said. Daniel, I knew that name. But it couldn't be him. Daniel was my first love. It must have been going on 14 years since I've seen him last. We'd lost contact but not for lack of trying on my part. I keep looking for him throughout the years with no luck. It was like I couldn't shake him. But it couldn't be him, there was no way.

"Melissa, who are you friends with? The bride or the groom?" I asked her.

"The bride why?"

"Just wondering. Well we better go and find a seat."

We entered the room the ceremony was going to be in and it was beautiful. It was a woodsy theme with pretty purple accents. We found seats in the mid-front and in no time the wedding party started to make it's was to the front of the room. The groom followed by the groomsmen.

"Oh my God." I said a little too loud and Daniel and I made eye contact. It was him. It was my Daniel. He looked shocked to see me in the audience yet somehow also relieved.

He stood there and kept making eye contact with me until it was time for the bride to come in. She looked beautiful, her dress, her makeup, it was all flawless.

Once the ceremony began I felt this huge pit in my stomach and I couldn't just sit there and watch him marry someone else. So to the best of my ability, without drawing attention to myself I got up and walked out and made my way outside.

Within a few moments someone was grabbing my hand and turning me around. It was Daniel.

"What on earth are you doing?" I practically yelled at him. "You're supposed to be getting married right now!"

"I can't do it. I knew it from the second that I saw you that it wasn't meant to be."

"I can't be responsible for ruing a wedding Daniel. I can't what is everyone going to think when they see you standing out here with me?"

"You didn't ruin the wedding. I did. You don't understand, you don't know how I've looked for you. I looked until it seemed hopeless. You have never left my mind Jess."

"You were looking for me too?" I said looking up into his big brown eyes. "I can't be seen talking to you right now. This is not okay to do here."

"Then follow me."

Without hesitation, I did.

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