Write a scene or story that uses synonyms of these three words:




Try to think of the words yourself before you look any up, and make sure they are appropriate for the tone or theme of your passage. This might not be as simple as you think!

Dorm date story is my original generated idea into my opinion if sharing dorms 🏠👩‍❤️‍👨😎🎸

School started to roll in as quickly as rainy thunderstorms and strikes of lightning. Fast forward to my college experience this is me envisioning how I'd respond to this transition. I was granted the opportunity to pick which person I'd get along with sharing a dorm bunk bed with. Conan gray was written at the top of my list to negotiate the deal of becoming roommates. His youtube videos gave me the impression that he prioritizes keeping his room shockingly tidy when he used to demonstrate how he decorated it. His wall containing hung-up polaroids bloomed (I rephrased blooming) my curiosity about learning how to do photography. I knocked on his door eager to convince him of this big news. He opened the door with a grin urging me to walk in. "Welcome in make yourself comfortable Jassy" "Your posters hung up caught my eye" I scanned the room and pop music posters expressed their personality at first glance. The guitars he practices sparked me to ask if he's tempted to sign his dream record label he's been focused on pursuing. "Drawing comic strips of scenes you're expressing would help you plan out your songs"

"Songwriting is an artistic way I like to express my thoughts that will reach the intended audiences" he replied

"I very much agree, it's obvious you're a hopeless romantic from the way I interpret what you write"

"We're both attention deprived" he answered admitting the truth

"Don't worry I'll keep you company if you accept my invitation to sleep in my dorm I ensure you'll feel at home. We can sneak downstairs for a snack wide awake as nocturnal as sleepwalking zombies." This was my way of urging him to agree. "That sounds tempting, deal," he accepted showing a grin. "That's such a relief I was hoping it would matter to you staying close," I replied enthusiastically. "We were instructed to confirm we'll be occupying our shared dorms at the front desk of the university. "I'll follow you to show me where." I guided him where to walk until I was face to face with the receptionist." Good morning, I'm here to get my dorm key approved with my new roommate. " I watched as she concentrated scanned our IDs and verified we were enrolled, students. "Here is your key that unlocks entering your new dorm, I advise you to transfer your posters and furniture to this new location" "I appreciate your cooperation!" I exclaimed. "My pleasure, she replied." "Follow me Conan I'm knowledgable at identifying far away dorms, I insisted. "Thank you for instructing me Jassy", Conan commented. "I'm just being a helpful friend", I smiled reassuring him. I walked to the dorm hall and attempted to search for the dorm that matched my assigned concentration. Once I spotted mine I unlocked it with a key and gestured for him to walk in. The first thing that caught my attention was the sunset view rising above the horizon shining so bright it almost blinded me. "This space is so roomy we can stay here in the meantime while you wait for your manager to update details on your potential music career to develop." "Smart idea," he agreed to nod." We began to transfer all of our belongings of furniture but didn't display the wall decor because it would unmanageable if it is confirmed that we were forming our created band in preparation. Once we settled in I stopped and chatted with him. "Conan, "I'm jealous of how many medals you won in track, I hope in whatever routes we chose to navigate in our career we will earn that diploma of ours we deserve to be recognized. " Real friends support you and guide you through taking brave risks to open opportunities encouraging you to demonstrate your highest most authentic potential that I show. " You are the reason why I am determined to express my truest self and accept myself overcome any obstacle and train myself to not give up like how a teenage mutant ninja turtle behaves, teaching me not to hide from my differences but to embrace and accept myself," I informed him. He hugged me. "Real friends stick with each other permanently as hot glue building each other up through ups and downs," He evoked refreshing my memory of the truth."Conan, it's getting late I'm heading to bed I choose the top bunk so I can watch the window next to me."He was assigned the bottom we agreed. I laid my head to sleep hearing the city cars driving in the city. That wasn't what was distracting my sleep it was the potential possibility of my best friend becoming a pop singer. I chuckled judging if it is a smart idea to call his band sonic superstar because he gained his fame and popularity as fast as sonic the hedgehog race competitions I commented to myself jokingly before shutting my eyes.

personal rating if I experienced this non make believe

Adapting to this environment and settling in I realized it's more common for people to depend on cab rides versus uber because they're cheaper and available is how I view these big populated cities. The opportunities it arises living in NYC of training in fashion shows and revealing yourself on the cover of magazines is what attracts me here but it's an impactful shift from LA to the other side hearing the different accents.

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