Dealing with the Fallout

Jeff Holloway found himself doing what he did most evenings after work; playing video games. Jeff loved gaming ever since he was a young kid at the arcade; wasting away quarter after quarter. He spent hours playing everything from Super Mario Bros., to Call of Duty, to Age of Empires. Jeff could find joy in almost every game he played. On this particular evening, Jeff was playing Fallout 4, an RPG type game set in America after a nuclear apocalypse. Jeff has spent hours upon hours playing the games in the Fallout series. He greatly enjoyed the atmosphere of the world, the characters, and the combat systems. Though we would play other games quite frequently, he often got the urge to create a new character, and explore the wasteland once more in Fallout. After a productive night of killing mutated animals, trading with wasteland merchants, and scrapping spare parts from junk, Jeff decided to turn off his game console and head to bed. "Man, I wonder what it would be like to truly live in the nuclear wasteland. I bet I could do somewhat well." Jeff thought as he turned off his bedside lamp and closed his eyes.

After what felt like not much time, Jeff awoke to hissing and mechanical whirring. "What is going on?" Jeff said still rather groggy with sleep. Jeff's eyes opened to a bright light in his face. Once he adjusted, he realized he was in a large metal room. There were machines and laboratory equipment all over the place. Whiteboards filled with mathematic equations and programming language that he had no clue in deciphering. Jeff realized his bed had been replaced with a small pod, and he had various tubes and cables attached to him. He began to hyperventilate, "This is one hell of a dream!" Jeff exclaimed in-between breathes.

"This is no dream, Mr. Holloway" said a voice nearby. Jeff panicked, and looked towards the voice. There stood a man in a long lab coat, he appeared to be in his 60s. His graying hair was disheveled and obviously unwashed for some time. "It's okay, Jeff. It's natural to freak out. Let it out of your system. Take some deep breaths. I'll explain everything once you calm down a bit " The man said, holding out a hand.

Jeff got up and looked around. As he took in more of his environment, he realized something, this is all familiar. He was in Fallout. "I really need to stop gaming before bed like that" Jeff chuckled to himself. "It really messes with my brain".

The man looked at him, "As I said, Jeff, this is no dream. This is real. If anything, your 'real life' was the dream". Jeff's eyes darted the room. He had an idea of where he was. "I'm in a Vault, aren't I?" Jeff asked. "You're correct. Very good, Mr. Holloway. This is Vault 589." The man said with a small smile. "If this is a Vault, then that means there were experiments here. Experiments done on people fleeing the nuclear holocaust." Jeff said somewhat timidly. "Correct again, Jeff. Here in Vault 589, we were tasked with trying to create individuals specifically suited to tackle the irradiated wastes above" the man said as he pointed upwards. "What better way to do so, than to have people experience it virtually!"

Jeff stumbled back, "You're saying that me playing Fallout was all training to actually survive the wasteland?" Jeff said rather incredulously.

"Correct yet again" the man smiled. "Vault 589 houses an advanced artificial intelligence that simulated your entire life for you to experience, up until this point of course. You didn't know it, but you were guided to play Fallout. Didn't you ever find it curious that you were always drawn to play the Fallout games? That was the A.I. telling you to get some practice in" the man said with a laugh.

Jeff sat down, his head spinning. "This is absolutely insane. Who are you anyway?" Jeff asked. "I am Dr. Steven Holmes. Lead Researcher here in the vault. Well...only researcher nowadays. Unfortunately, everyone else passed away before they could see the project completed. I am glad I was still kicking to see our lives' work take fruition" the doctor said solemnly. "A lot of effort went into developing you, Jeff. I hope you realize that."

Jeff stood there, still in a state of shock. "So I was designed from birth to be an expert survivor? This all seems like a lot of work". Dr. Holmes guided Jeff around the lab, "Our corporate leaders, Vault-tec, thought the experiment would be worthwhile in the end. They felt that creating a person and training them the way you were would be...beneficial for things in the long-term".

After spending time collecting his thoughts, Jeff took a deep breath, "You know, I actually feel like this is right for me. In some weird way, I feel destined for this. Maybe that's your fancy computer doing its job well, but I feel ready."

Dr. Holmes beamed with joy. "Oh, Jeff. I'm so glad to hear that. I know it is a lot to take in, but I'm thrilled to know that this project was a success. Upstairs you will find a plethora of supplies. Take whatever you want. I will remain here in the vault going over the data. Feel free to return at any time if you have any questions." Dr. Holmes said gesturing to an elevator.

Jeff took in a breath and went upstairs. There, he found a large room filled with lockers, duffle bags, shelves, and dressers all filled with supplies he would need to begin his journey in the wasteland. He grabbed food, medicine, armor, weapons, and basic tools. After some time getting geared up and ready, he made his way to the entrance of the vault. Jeff activated the large gear-like door from a nearby panel and waited as the it opened. Full of excitement and anxiety, he was ready to take on this world. A world where he could do what he wanted. A near-literal blank slate for him to make a living for himself. As the the door finally creaked open fully, Jeff was blinded by the light of the sun as he made his first few steps out into the wastes.

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