Blood Red Love

Screams wail around me as people bail

Darkness lights the grass, I hear my feet step on shattered glass

Horses try their hardest to keep upright, fire hot beneath their feet bright

My eyes seek out for those I know, I can feel blood drip from my nose

Wounds trace my body like a brush painting against a canvas madly

My drift contacts with a friend on the field, my heart beat yields

"Jack!", now isn't the time to have a chat or death might knock

My lover's eyes trail down my form, "We have to keep going, even through the storm."

His words place my focus on the clouds above that broke us

My hand falls the cool metal against his chest, the amor colored of rose petals

Warmth secures my hand our fingers decorated with matching bands

"I love you Taylor” he kisses me then walks away leaving me alone

My arms rise with my sword, clashing with others cord

The war went on for hours, many man died without power

The sky starts to cry, and so do I

My eyes land on Jack, I lay down beside him as my heart cracks

The flood flowed cold with inky blood

and yet the wet sky blinked with stars in deep slumber.

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