1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Fingers tapping away
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Please don’t make a mistake
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Repeat repeat to pass the time
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 So many failures that I’ve made
Stop stop tapping Thoughts racing at 80 miles Stop stop thinking Just show them smiles
I can’t stop counting The hours, my breaths, my tapping, my seconds Please make it stop Just please please make it stop
Screams wail around me as people bail
Darkness lights the grass, I hear my feet step on shattered glass
Horses try their hardest to keep upright, fire hot beneath their feet bright
My eyes seek out for those I know, I can feel blood drip from my nose
Wounds trace my body like a brush painting against a canvas madly
My drift contacts with a friend on the field, my heart beat yields
"Jack!", now isn't the time to have a chat or death might knock
My lover's eyes trail down my form, "We have to keep going, even through the storm."
His words place my focus on the clouds above that broke us
My hand falls the cool metal against his chest, the amor colored of rose petals
Warmth secures my hand our fingers decorated with matching bands
"I love you Taylor” he kisses me then walks away leaving me alone
My arms rise with my sword, clashing with others cord
The war went on for hours, many man died without power
The sky starts to cry, and so do I
My eyes land on Jack, I lay down beside him as my heart cracks
The flood flowed cold with inky blood
and yet the wet sky blinked with stars in deep slumber.
Tomorrow is the day. Every year, each being loses a sense. I lay in bed anxious. Hearing my heart beat in my head, I try to calm myself down. You might be wondering why I’m so shaky. I have always been nervous for things I can’t plan. This, this is totally out of my hands. It scares me, just like it does every year.
Last year I lost taste, so that wasn’t awful. I ate healthy all day, even though that’s what I do normally. The year before that I lost smell. Those are the only two senses I’ve lost since I was little. You would think I would have been deaf for a day or something in my 19 years but I haven’t. That’s why I’m so terrified if I wake up without a sense I can’t live without.
I roll over and try to calm my breathe. I use the breathing technique my therapist gave me. I feel my eyes start to feel heavy. The last thing I see before I fall into a deep sleep, is the light coming in through the window from the street. Purple hues last fill my eyes.
I wake up and roll onto my back. It's still dark out, or at least I think. I go to reach for my phone out of routine and lift the phone to my eyes. I-I can't see the screen. No light, no screen, no seeing the glow of the sun through window like normal. It's not still dark outside. I lost my sight. Panic fills my veins, while I desperately try to feel my eyes. Horror chills my body when my finger tips brush the lids that are sealed shut. I read about this, that anyone who loses sight for a day, their eyes feel almost super glued to each other.
Feeling my hands shaking a try to breathe, hoping my entire body wouldn't start trembling like normal. I can't see anything. I can feel the comfort of my bed but I can't see the cozy fuzz resting atop of me. 'Just breathe, get up, live your day', I repeat those words over and over again. I finally calm down and I feel my way to my bathroom. I do good to do my morning routine without tripping over something.
My head is racing and I can't get it to stop. I needed to buy food today and go to the store to buy products for the next project I'm working on. I convince myself that its not so bad and I grab the cane I brought for this certain, train wreck, moment. I feel for the lock on my door and secure it. I breathe in the air and start walking with as much confidence I could muster up.
I allow my muscle memory to take over and I walk to the market. I walk through doors and walk to the back. I keep walking and suddenly I run into someone. "Oh my god, oh I'm so sorry, I can't see, I-I can't see today." I reach my hand out hoping they would take my hand, but I never feel the warmth of a touch.
"It's ok I, uh, I can't see either. Guess we just happened to run into each others way." A sweet females voice runs through my ears. My heart rate picks up and I start to panic once again. I've never been good with girls. Thats why she can't see my hand out stretched for her.
"Well my hand is out for you, but I'm guessing you might have already stood up?" I laugh nervously. I hear her laugh as well, which somehow makes my heart slow down for a second.
"Thank you for being a gentleman, but yes I have already stood up." I nod my head at her words even though she can't see the movement. " Uh," I her begin to speak but quietly and I wait for her to continue, "Will you shop with me and maybe spend the day with me? I don't really feel safe walking alone blind, and I'm not sure why, but I feel safe with your presence." She finishes.
I feel a smile form on my face a the fact that she feels comfortable with me. My anxiety is screaming at me to run, but I don't want to. I want to listen to this woman shopping and trying to find items, just like me. A day in someones company would be very enjoyable actually. "Yes, I would enjoy that very much! Sooo Miss, what are you looking for?" I allow her to lead me wherever for the day and feel as happy as I have been in months.