"A Kingdome At Odds"

She wishes to know his secret. He hasn't decided what it is yet.

Jane grew up in the broad kingdom of Bogsmuth with the nagging feeling she could be doing more. Aiding her dear mother--the well-known seamstress of the Bog's people--was alright, and she was always content with stitching and coming up with ideas, but there was an undefinable voice that called her. It reached out and tormented her every being until Jane could no longer ignore the fact it summoned her to a greater future.

But the moment she listens, all hell breaks loose around the kingdom, and it's up to her to find a way to fix it. Her, and the most unlikely of characters--the Prince of Bogsmuth, Chrysander. The two simply can't seem to get along, and Jane wonders why. Could it be the stoic and brooding prince is hiding something?

As the journey continues, it seems Chrysander doesn't truly know his own reasonings for being so cruel to Jane. Putting all feelings aside, they must find a way to work together and save the home in which they have lived in the whole of their lives.

Could it be that their destinies are more than intertwined?

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