
Such a good day to get out of the house and explore. With the Autumn air - not too cold but the perfect time to be able to stand in the sun and not melt underneath it. Even the air feels different when I breathe it in, so light and crisp. I feel like I am floating as I hike up to the quarry - everyone in the little town has been boasting about it. However, the whispers state that it is a place of the fae, that it is magical so no photos must be taken in this secluded, magical place.

With the hike so far, it has been peaceful, not another soul I have seen in two hours. Only the rustling of the leaves and the birds chirping have been accompanying me.

A twig snapped to my left - my eyes snapped to the sound. I paused, looking around to see any movement within the trees. There was nothing, brushing off the thought of someone else being out here while I was hours away from town, and trying to convince myself that it was just a cute little animal - I continued with my walk.

I spot two large boulders about 100 meters up the path, the town folk told me this would be the opening to the quarry. My pace quickens, I am about to be a part of the few who have seen this place, to be included as you can only see it with your own two eyes and not through a lens or technology.

I stop and take a deep breath as I reach the boulders. This is it, this is what I have come for. Taking a step forward I look down upon the quarry. It was even more beautiful and magical; than I could imagine.

Slowly walking down the uneven boulders, I listened to the slow trickle of water as it went over the boulders, reflecting the beautiful red and orange leaves, now and again the wind would pick up and a leaf with dance with the wind before falling into the water, floating on the top. Looking up the stone walls blocked out the real world - changing the colours of the water as the reflection changed.

Heading straight to the water, I look around me, taking it in and breathing in this amazing place before I sit at the water's edge. After a few minutes, baby fish come up to nibble on the rocks, looking for food. I giggle as I then look deeper into the water as it quickly drops off into deep water. I cannot see anything but shadows of fish when they come closer to the top to nibble on the leaves that have fallen onto the water.

Looking across the other side of the water, I daydream about fae warriors stopping here to grab fresh water on the way home after battle. One stays behind to rinse his face, leaning down his long blonde hair touches the water. He splashes his face and opens his eyes, he jumps back, falling on his ass. Staring at the water, he gets his bearings and looks into the depths of the water again - not willing to blink.

There was a woman's face, looking at him with curiosity - her blue eyes looking him up and down, her head tipped to the size, her long red hair cascading around her, her arms down by her side.

Ever so slowly the women approached the top of the water - never breaking eye contact with him. When her shoulders breached the water she stopped. He looked down to not see legs but to see a dark purple tail.

'A mermaid...' he whispered.

She smiled cockily. 'Well done, I am. Why are you in my home?'

'I-I was just cooling off after a long walk.' He said, moving to sit and cross his legs.

This then leads to them talking and asking each other questions about themselves and their people. However, it never led to them telling each other's names.

'RIN!' a voice from far away yells. 'RIN! WE NEED TO GO!'

The mermaid looks towards the voice and then starts to back away, frightened.

Rin puts his hand out, 'Wait, please! He won't hurt you!'

She shakes her head, 'I have already broken my law to let you see me, I cannot let another,' she pauses to smile, 'Rin.'

'Please before you go then, can I ask you two questions?'

'RIN!?' shouts the other fae.

'I WILL BE THERE IN A MOMENT!' Rin yells over his shoulder, frustrated.

The mermaid looks at him and nods.

'First, what is your name? As you now know mine.'

She smiles brighter, showing how beautiful her blue eyes are. 'Sereia. What is the second?'

'Can I see you again?'

Her smile disappeared and she looked sad. The clouds then became dark, the wind picking up, feeling rain on my face. WAIT!

I opened my eyes to see the quarry had changed the sky had become dark, the wind had picked up, and the smell of rain was in the air. I quickly got up, walking as quickly as I could without slipping on the boulders. All too quickly I glanced back down to where I daydreamed about the mermaid and far, as I turned I saw something on the left. It was the initials R & S. I gasped and looked back between the water and the initials. That cannot be.

It was only a daydream...right?

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