Capture the Flag (pjo)

Look, I didn't ask to be picked. None of us did.

But when Yuri, Daughter of Zeus, and one of the most gruff, bold, and tough girls on camp picks you to be on her Capture the Flag team, it's hard to say no.

So, here I am; running for my dear life as flaming arrows shoot past my head.

I clutched the blue flag tightly in my hand, my chest heaving as I run. My legs felt like they were about to fall off.

I had to win this for Red Team. I had to make Yuri proud. And, most importantly, I had to prove to the other campers that the Apollo Cabin isn't just a bunch of singing hippies who like arts and crafts.

I heard the screams of Blue Team coming from behind me as I dodged a flaming arrow. I was almost there, I almost made it...

Then stupid Erin jumped in my way...

You see, Erin is this really cute boy from the Athena cabin. He has fluffy blonde hair and gray eyes just like his siblings (and my personal hero, Annabeth).

"You're surrounded, Lola!" Erin laughed, causing me to stop in my tracks. Out of no where, dozens of Blue Team members appeared, ready to attack. They had their swords and arrows pointed at me, and I felt hopeless.

I glanced around, nothing but pine trees and the small stream I was standing in that was ruining my new shoes, the mud and murk staining the white fabric of the shoes.

I gripped the flag tighter, and out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Timber, a Daughter of Poseidon, and a kid on my team, kneeling down in the stream. Our eyes met, and I realized what she was doing.

"Come and get me!~" I taunted, waving the flag in front of their faces. Erin began to spring forward, when a huge wave knocked him and the others back, soaking them.

I cheered and ran into the Red Team base, where I was greeted with hundred of cheers and high-fives. The usual rewards-ceremony or whatever went on, but I was more concerned about finding Timber.

I spotted her sitting against an oak tree, her feet in the river and a small smile plastered across her face. The sunlight reflected against her coal black hair, and her sea green eyes shining.

"Hey," I said, sitting next to her. "Thanks...y'know, for helping me back there." I said softly, twirling one of my golden curls in my hand.

She nodded softly, staying silent for a moment before speaking. "Of course. You're my only friend this camp." Her voice cracked slightly, and she looked away.

My smile faltered, and I place a hand on top of her tan one. I couldn't think of anything to say, so that was the best thing I could think of.

There was a comforting silent as we both stared up at the sky. I found comfort in her presence, and I feel like she did too.

After a minute or two I finally spoke up. "'re a really sweet girl, but I feel like I don't know much about you. How about you tell me about yourself..?" I said, desperate to get to know her better.

Her eyes lit up, and she straightened up. She immediately began telling me about her family back home, and her huskies, Snow and Ice. She rambled on and on for what felt like hours.

But I didn't mind. I was happy to be a friend, and to finally have a true one.

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