Inspired by feather quill

Your character feels that their body is becoming less and less human...


It was...Peculiar.

Every passing moment felt distant.

Every beloved memory felt forgotton.

Every feeling felt unfamiliar.

Everyone seemed new...

And all saw disgust towards him.

A simple glance at his own hands set disturbance upon him. It was as if he were looking at anothers' palms. Once full of visible life and prosperity, now engulfed in independent desires. It perplexed the man. The limb he saw was his, obviously attached to his body and yet why did it feel so far. Why did it not feel like his?

Every day felt draining. Each night and day seemed emptier, as if his life held no further need. His body, admittedly, did not feel like his own anymore.

"I don't know..." he said, mumbling under his breath. Clutching his arms -if it could be called `his`- tightly against his head. The grasp tightening. The hand began to dig deeper into his skull.

A week later. The house yelled in silence, allowing small organisms to crawl along its mighty form. Traversing further into the structure, sat a man. Frozen with a widended gaze, staring off as if caught in a trance. Trembling hands met the skin, twitching with deep anticipation. It traced the smooth surfaces in gentle waves. Bringing the man an euphoric smile, a smile he had never thought to feel again. In short moments of glee, fingers dug into the skin. Trails of crimson fell in quick flows, pouring over the man's figure. Minimal grunts escaped his gasps while fingers stabbed further. Puddles of blood slowly formed beneath the human's weight. Beautiful scarlet shades reflecting the lack of light in the room.

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