Inspired by Lou

Describe the colour of a character's soul.

You do not have to tell the reader who the character is; focus on description and metaphor.

Bravery (ewwww it turned out bad lol)

The color of fire.

Eager to spread and travel, giving warmth but sometimes causing destruction. The marks of fights are visible on his gloves. There's no new experience he's not up for. If you get on his good side, you'll never be cold.

The color of citrus.

Refreshment after a long, boring time. A bandana is wrapped around his head. You either hate him or love him, there's no in between. He's bold, like the taste of an orange.

The color of autumn leaves.

Departing from the tree, which has stood there for countless years. Taken by the wind to new places, new adventures. He will be your downfall.

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