Introduce two characters in a scene who are complete opposites, and highlight their differences through dialogue and actions.

Opposites attract.

This story is about two people. A girl and a boy.

The girl is shy and quiet in most situations, the boy however, is loud and extroverted.

They are both on the way home from work, they encounter a man asking for money on the sidewalk, the girl, quietly and hesitantly gives a few dollars and then walks off, the boy however, strikes up a conversation with the man, he talks about how the man is doing and what he can do to help himself, starting by giving the man a few dollars to start.

Next, they encounter a lost girl, looking for her father.

The boy walks with the lost girl until he find the father, then wishes then well and is off back on his track to home. The girl decides to take the lost girl to find security, she tells the security what she was told by the lost girl. Then she continues her path home.

Next they encounter an old man who dropped his wallet, The girl picks it up and gives it to him, "Here you go sir, you dropped your wallet." She quietly says to the old man. The man thanks her and she is back on her way home. The boy sees this, and he decides to pick it up and run after the man, "Hey! Hey!" he yells, accidentally scaring the old man. "Oh my! I dont want trouble, im just trying to get home!" The old man says, visibly scared. "No, no. You dropped your wallet sir!".

The old man's gaze softened from fear, to thankfulness. "Oh, thank you, young man." The old man says with a smile. Then the boy starts walking back home once more.

Next the boy walks into the middle of the road, distracted by his phone. He looks up to see a car coming straight for him, he wants to run, to move, anything, but he freezes in fear. His legs feeling like stone, unable to move. The car gets closer, until..

BAM, he hits the floor, expecting to be horribly injured, but to his surprise, the car didnt hit him. He is lying on his back on the other side of the road. He feels a weight on his chest and looks to see what it is. The girl, the girl saved him. When she saw his just standing there, she couldnt help but move to save him, it was like her legs arent hers, controlled by somebody other then herself. They just started moving to save him, a stranger.

"Are you okay?" She says, worriedly.

"I-i'm fine. Just a bit in shock."

"thats good." she responds, quietly. Going back to her normal, shy self.

The boy looks at her, a blush across his face.

He starts, "My name is...."....

The End.

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