The Horse Mans House

Too perfect. If someone asked me to describe the new house we are moving in to thats what I would say; Too perfect. The picket fence a little too white, the grass a little too green, and the neighbourhood a little to pristine. In fact it is so perfect I find it weird no one already lives here. My wife says it is a sign from the universe that this is where we are meant to be, just our luck that we were able to catch this house before it was taken off the market, but I don't believe that. Nothing is ever this perfect there must be a reason no one wants to live here. My wife calls to me, "C'mon honey lets start moving the boxes in!" I smile in return still weary about this decision but nonetheless I walk over to the blue movers truck and start unloading our brown boxes and walking them into the house. After we have lifted all the boxes into our new home I turn to my beautiful wife and give her a warm smile, "You ready to start unpacking." She squeals in excitement and runs the boxes for our bedroom upstairs in order to make it more homey. That night we decorated upstairs, grabbed dinner, and then slept in our new bed.

We have been moved in for about a week and something weird is definitely going on. My wife says it is just in my head and my inability to accept something shiny and new in life, but this is definitely not in my head. Every single time someone walks by our house there is an attitude shift, as if the property was a disgrace and stain in their perfect world, a dark cloud impeding on clear skies. Kids stop playing, adults stop talking, and the birds stop chirping. I try to ignore it for the sake of my wife but it irritates me, I need to know why everyone hates this house. To try and take my mind off of this eerie situation I decide to move the boxes into the basement for storage. I pick one of the lighter boxes up from the pile and start walking to the basement door, I open it and find a staircase I look for the light switch and I see that it is one of those pulley strings. I hate those they remind me of older houses and it makes me feel like I am in some old gothic horror story. I start walking down the stairs and they creak under my weight, like they have not been used in a while and are adjusting to this unknown pressure. I make it to the bottom of the stairs find another pulley light switch and turn it on. What the... No wonder everyone avoids this house, in the basement is some satanical cult thing. I look around in horrid astonishment, there are old candles with burnt wicks, what looks to be fake skeletons, scratched up wall paper, and black robes everywhere. I start walking around weary of my surroundings, I shudder. I come upon the creepiest thing yet, a single bunkbed that looks to be decorated for a little girl, a pink dusty duvet and a bunny stuffed animal with a bow. There are books stacked all under it.

I want to run. But everything I see is making the bones in my body turn to jelly from this impending sense of doom and eeriness. I slowly will myself to look under the bed and grab the books scared that some clown is going to pop up like they do in horror moves, I kneel and look underneath the duvet. Something crawls out. I scream. I breathe a sigh of relief, it was just a beetle, I let out a small breathy laugh at my jumpiness. I gulp and pull the books out, I take a closer look and they appear to be journals. I start reading them, the print and writing style seems to place this mysterious girl at around the age of 6 The journal entries are somewhat normal

August 3rd

We just moved into our new home. I am excited but a littel sad. All my freinds are gone but mommy says I will make new ones witch is good and makes me happy.

August 18th

Mommy and Daddy are fiteing. I don't now wy mommy says she doesn't like it hear, I made so many new friends its crazy!

I continue reading them trying to get more information on this little girl. I come across a journal which seems to be written a few years later when she is ten. I start reading and the entries are peculiar.

September 3

Horse man says I am better off without them. He says they were needed as sacrifices. But if I am better off without them why does it hurt me so much. I just want them back. Wait. Horse man is coming back I will be back.

Who the hell is horse man??? and who are these sacrifices? I am intrigued, the next entry seems to be stained with tears.

September 10th

Its been 2 weeks since horse man made the sacrifice, he says there must be more. He says that death needs to be fed or it will come for me. I am scared I don't want to die but where do I find sacrifices? What do I do.

Sacrifices? Death? What happened in this house, and who is horse man. My question was answered on the next page. I flip the journal, and freeze. There is a drawing of what I suppose is the horse man. It looks to be a soldier decapitated, and instead of a head dark smoke is rising from his neck. He sits on a horse of bones, that has scarily green eyes, and a mane of smoke. His head is buckled onto the saddle of the horse and the eyes are pale. The little girl wrote "soldier of death" underneath it and there seems to be a circle of dried blood on it. I hear a rustle. My head perks up. I turn my head similar to how dogs do when they hear a squirrel., except this time I feel like the prey. "hello," a soft voice calls out, I look to where the faint voice came from. My face goes pale and my eyes widen more than humanly possible. A little girl is holding the bunny with the pink bow from earlier, her neck is slit and has dried blood all over it. She stares at me and starts muttering. "He wouldn't stop" "He always said one last time, but it never was," tears start stream down her face. "It's okay," I say trying to comfort her, "who is he?" I question. She looks up her face goes stony and says, "Horse man". "Did he do this to you?" "Yes. He said my parents were sacrifices, death was hungry and you couldn't leave someone that powerful starving could you. He said 'I can help you Marianne, I will look out for you, all you have to do is sacrifice something every month.' I had too. I had too. There was no one left. I had too." She starts hysterically muttering this over and over again. "Hey, Marianne, right? It's okay. What happened?" "I couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't keep luring people over here just so he could slice and dice them," she sniffles and points to what I thought were fake skeletons. My body goes rigid. The blood in my body feels like it was replaced with slush, I quite literally froze in terror. "What." I say. "He got mad though, he said 'the deal was I look out for you and you do this' I have never seen his hanging face so mad before. He said 'your useless, I will wait for the next human that lives here then', and then his dark smoke engulfed me and it felt like a katana blade sliced through my neck as if it was cutting butter." What does he mean next human. I have to get out of here. I yell out to my wife. But all that I was answered with was hoof beats. The horse man enters, almost identical to her drawing. His decapitated head has a wicked smile, and his body was holding up the head of my wife. "Hello..."

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