
"Tonight will be our last sunset. You will never see me again."

His voice was calm, but the words shifted unrest within my chest. The grass beneith me grew corse and I felt nothing but the longing caress of the comfort I had been bathed in. The urge to up and run towards this last sunset grew almost as unbearable as the knowledge it was true. But not surprising.

"Why tonight?" I asked, my eyes fixed on a single blade of grass. "Why not tomorrow night, or the night after that?"

He smiled, but did not answer.

"It's not fair," I whispered, pushing myself back into the blades. "I don't want to have to miss you."

A cold hand linked with mine but I did not meet his gaze, too busy carving the clouds from the sky, begging them to stay solidify and work against the earths rotation.

"Your memories will fade and there will be no pain."

"You don't know what you're talking about." I pulled my hand from his and pushed myself up, staring down at him in the very way it was so natural for him to do. "You are a Vasyl, and for that reason, you do not feel the way I feel."

His smile dipped and fell into a frown, his brow furrowing as he rose to take his rightful place, looming above me. I straighten my back and held a strong stance, my final defence against the onlaught I knew would soon come to break me.

Cold skin careessed my cheek and I leaned in to the icy touch.

"I feel love," he said, lifting my chin to finally catch my gaze. "And longing. I may be different from you but when I am with you--." He trapped me in an embrace, a prison I longed to never be free from. "When I am with you, I feel. I feel everything."

I leaned into him, my hands finding their place across his broad back. "And when you are without me?"

"Empty. Lost. Powerless." Each word stole my breath. It was like he could read the words on my own heart, a heart that would cease to beat with the notion of our nonexistence. "I do not wish to be without you."

"It is so unfair," I repeated, his form lost in the haze of tears. "I do not want to die."

"Think it not as death, my love, but the next step of the life."

"One I cannot take with you, therefore not worth doing." I pulled back, my anger shaking my tears. "I do not wish to be a sacrifice. I do not wish to sacrifice this."

Once more, his caress brought me down to earth, steadying my fury. "What we have is perfection, and I will long for you for eternity."

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