Last Summer Day

Teddy and Frog

I sat teddy down so he sits on the steps

He would stay there, he doesn’t like to get wet

He watched me through his big button eyes

He was there when a frog hopped by

I crept up to the frog, my toes squished in the dirt

Crawling up closer leaving mud on my skirt

I squatted down and I hopped just like him

Down by the river with my braids in the wind

I looked to poor teddy but he wasn’t alone

He sat by my father who scrolled on his phone

I followed the frog down by the dock

He jumped in the water with a quick little plop

I looked into the water to search for my friend

guess I leaned too far cause then I fell in

Dad didn’t look up when I lost my balance

I don’t think he ever noticed my absence

Water up my nose and then stung my throat

My dress became heavy, my hair was now soaked

The water so cold and surprisingly deep

I sunk and I sunk till the mud touched my feet

I started to panic cause I couldn’t swim

Yet I failed my arms cause I wanted to live

After some miracle I came to the surface

I glanced at my dad, he still hadn’t noticed

I sunk back down after one breath of air

I thought of my teddy alone on the stairs

I paddled and paddled but I couldn’t make progress

I needed the light but I was surrounded by darkness

I needed to surface but I couldn’t return

I breathed in more water, my lungs start to burn

I tried and I tried but I gave up all hope

I then fell asleep and I never awoke

I sank to the mud. currents washed me away.

And that is the story of my last summer day

My frog couldn’t save me though I imagined he tried

Nor could my bear, he just watched from the side

I had silently drowned, I never let out a scream

My dad didn’t noticed, his eyes glued to a screen

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