Submitted by The Stranger

'The wind blows my hair. I’m standing on the edge again.'

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Not your average suicide

The wind blows my hair. I'm standing on the edge again.

The sun set a couple of hours ago, and it is pitch black—no stars, no moon, not even a plane flying past. Even below, there are only some flickering streetlights illuminating the streets, with barely any cars driving by. I feel completely alone.

My thighs ache from the effort of climbing the stairs, a reminder that I should start running again. Should have started. I don't believe I'll get much of a chance to in the future. The cold wind whistles softly as it buries itself deep into my bones. I should have worn a jacket. Should, should, should. Even here, I cannot escape my regrets.

Well, no matter now.

I kneel down, shake my bag off my shoulder, and begin to empty its contents carefully on the floor. Once I am satisfied with the arrangement, I pick up my phone and press the only contact I have saved.

The phone rings. And rings.

For a moment, I think he isn't going to answer. But then-


He sounds wary. I don't blame him. I realise that, despite my careful planning, I did't know what to say.

"Hello?" He says again, frustration creeping into his tone.

"Alex," I breathe out.

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