Just as some humans are ghost-hunters, some ghosts are human-hunters.

Write a story in which the main character is a ghost who hunts humans.

Midnite (side story)

Ever since becoming corporeal, Isak always had one thought run through his head, ‘why do they always run?’ And the humans, his prey, could never give him an answer.

So why did he feel like tonight would be different.

His quarry tonight though, was evil, Isak had known this feeling and it ended up just tasting like ash. He shook his head, this just reminded him of when she put him in this body, he felt like ‘the suit would never fit’, like some kind of second skin that just slid over his phantom form.

Isak opened his eyes as wide as he could, his prey was getting away, the streets of Midnite used to be his playground but that was over a hundred years ago and were worse times.

He was a hunter then, guess that’s why she gave him this body, she needed him to hunt down anyone who opposed her and it gave him purpose instead of wandering the plains between life and death.

Isak frowned, his quarry had stopped, why? He didn’t know, but now he wanted to find out and this yakuza body was going to help. His 6 ft 5 wide shouldered frame launched into a run down the alleyway, a door was open into the back of an antique shop, light spilling out into the ink black night. Isak stepped into the light, closed the back door and stood in the back room listening for movement.

His prey’s breathing was ragged, he was bleeding, Isak strode toward a beaded curtain that separated the backroom from the front of the shop and paused. His quarry was tucked with their back against the glass serving counter, they had suffered massive internal injuries and were bleeding out.

Isak stepped through the beaded curtain, clocked a katana inside the glass counter and smiled.

The target looked up at him, black matted hair stuck to his scalp, business suit bloodied, he was holding his chest as if it was going to help him and well, it wasn’t.

‘Why?’ The prey pleaded, coughing and brought up blood.

Isak clicked his tongue, which always felt weird, but was oddly intimidating, ‘why?’ Repeating back smiling. Isak smashed the glass counter, grabbed the handle and pulled the blade out.

‘Because ‘Mother’ asked me to’, Isak pointed the tip of the blade at the chest of his prey and laughed. ‘You always seem to run, why is that?’ He asked.

His quarry whimpered and shook his head, Isak thought this night was going to be different and wished he was wrong. Isak stepped forward, sliding the katana into his target’s chest through his hand, ‘my name is Joseph’ it said with tears streaming down his face.

‘Why tell me that?’ Isak twisted the blade, ‘like it’s going to help’

He pushed the sword deeper, till the hilt pinned Joseph’s hand to his chest, his eyes rolled back and blood poured out of his mouth.

Isak released the handle of the katana and Joseph’s limp body fell to the side.

‘How disappointing’

i love you Baby 🖤

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