kiss me

kiss me

one day i’m going to kiss someone for the second time ever

and i’m going to tell everyone it was my first kiss ever

until things go bad and it makes me sick to think i kissed them

and i’ll find someone else to kiss for the third time ever

and they will be my first kiss until the cycle repeats itself

until eventually i do forget my first kiss

then my second

and my third

until i get good at it one kiss at a time

and then i will just leave that conversation out

until someone asks about my first kiss

to which i will say

“i don’t remember”

and i won’t be lying

kiss me

one day i kissed someone for the second time ever

and i did indeed tell them it was my first kiss.

until it went wrong and it made me sick to think about it.

and then the third and fourth and fifth would have come

and i would have continued the lie

the cycle seeming to repeat itself with every hushed whisper.

until my final kiss arrived

where the lying didn't seem necessary

and i could fill them in on every little lie i shared

every wet kiss i had

without the thought or care of 'how good it was'

because the final kiss is what matters

i don't have to lie about my first in the parking lot

i won't have to lie anymore.

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