October mornings,
The breeze carries resting leaves
and scattered rain.
I open the window to take it in.
The nights are cold,
colder in the passing days,
But the window stays open.
I layer blankets and cabin socks.
The morning breeze begins to chill me,
But I embrace it, breathe it in,
Let my lungs fill with sweet memories.
The wood creaks, the wind whistles,
The chill settles.
The window stays open.
I turn the heat up, I light the fire,
I layer blankets and cabin socks.
The breeze lives inside now,
but I am nothing if not a welcoming host.
My bones grow brittle, my skin is chapped.
My lungs are full of breeze gone bitter and cold,
memories gone sour.
This house used to be a home.
Yet still in the icy dawn
A lone robin clings to the window screen.
It’s still warmer inside than out.
I take off the screen and gently,
My pallid hands lift her inside.
I close the window behind her,
and stroke her feathers as
she warms by the fire.