Aroa wanted magic to help her sister, Clarisa. She was very ill and was probably going to die. Instead of taking her to a doctor, Aroa struck up a deal.
There were rod spinners, what those in her village called magicians, who lived very close by to my family’s small home. One day Aroa went to them to ask if they could heal Clarisa and they told her no, they would not. She begged and pleaded with them until finally they agreed to help her out. They preformed a quick ritual to give Aroa some of their power. This power came with a warning though. Aroa was not to use it for anything but helping Clarisa get better, and she was to go to them when her sister was better to return the magic, or there would be dire consequences.
She tried very hard to follow the rod spinners rules, but found it hard when the other in her class pestered her to do tricks. Aroa had tried to keep my newfound power to herself, but it slipped out. What was the harm of telling one person... Eventually everyone had found out and at recess everyone was asking her to do something to prove it. She remembered the warning, but then thought, what harm could it do to show off one small trick? Aroa pulled a wand from under her knee sock and simply lifted a pencil in the air and snapped it. Then put it back together. And nothing bad had happened.
Clarisa soon overcame her sick, and slowly began to live a normal life again.
A few days after her recovery, Aroa went back to the rod spinner cottage and returned the magic. She was sad to part with it, like how a child is sad to part with a beloved toy, but she quickly got over it.
It had been months now the family was mourning Clarisa’s death. She took sick again, and this time, no one couldn’t heal her. Aroa went back to the rod spinners cottage to speak with them. Why hadn’t the magic healed her sister fully? They said it would! Then Aroa turned to go back home as she realized that it was HER fault. She had done that trick at school, and it had cost her sister’s life. As Aroa was walking away, one of the rod spinners came out from inside the cottage and harshly grabbed her arm. She struggled but it wasn’t enough. The rod spinner pulled Aroa back inside and told her that it was time for her to pay back the deal. Clarisa’s untimely demise had only been part of the consequence. Aroa never came back out...
Pls do me a favor and click on my photo at the top, it gives a bit of explanation about the background of this story.