Anna had gotten a letter that morning. She wasn’t sure who it was from there was no name no clue to who sent the letter. Anna opened the letter
The letter read
“Dear Anna,
There had been a discovery that you are the owner of a necklace. This may seem of no importance but this necklace has been passed down for centuries and it’s worth a great deal of money. I have put in the time and effort to give this letter and the necklace to you. In order to receive the necklace you must travel to Paris, France since I have no time, nor funds to travel to you. I am to remain Anonymous until are meeting for security measures. The meeting will take place on December sixth of this year. Hope this letter finds you. “
Sincerely, No one
Anna did not like that she didn’t have the identity. Why would she travel to meet a stranger? She didn’t have the money. But a chance to be wealthy? That was tempting. Anna was not in a good financial position.
Will she travel or not? That is for you to decide.