Where to start? It started around 5 years ago when the experiment was about to begin its process. After many tries that day was supposed to be the one thing that could’ve save humanity from this chaos that is Amarena; Amarena is a virus that was long sleep however a few years into the nuclear war it begun to surface as nuclear smoke began to evade the entire planet. Now years later Amarena was causing an entire town to die with no signs or warnings of its symptoms of death. So here I was standing trying to figure out the board in front of me with the notes made by everyone around and it hit me… the components of the virus are so similar to the H1N1 a virus that was known as a severe cold back when it surface with animal stock… around 1000 years ago. Many people died due to no treatment for it, but why are they so similar and with Amarena being so out of touch with symptoms?… We will still have questions to answers before we make a public post…
It is said that people who see no color at all are those who wished never saw their soulmates those who wished never saw the truth behind the colorless world that they lived in. Some say that the colors are a curse put on them before the last war… a war that took away people’s sense of sight thus making them see all in black and white even though these are still colors, they see no color at all even if they try to get some surgery to repair the damage it will cost more damage as doctors are unable to see the color of the eyes and so on. Perhaps is best if people never try to find a cure for this curse.
May 26th, 30587.
It was fascinating really, a year that doesn’t come along all that often it is said that most of the years held by the Gregorian calendar was made in not so much thought but who knew that we as human beings would lived this long? After so many resets and many biological diseases that left almost all of humanity erased many whose immune systems were so weak by default.
May 30th 30587.
Another day and another week passed by the disease was once more. Some are saying that a cure could be a possibility but who know who will they be testing it… Not many people are volunteering to test the cure to the disease known as IYR-43. Is a cold but it has known effects of Covid-19.
Before Midnight I wake up in the day to slowly shed tears,
Before midnight l shed tears is sorrow, Before midnight I shed sadness of long forgotten memories, Before midnight I hear a ‘voice’ telling that it will be okay, Before midnight I want to cry all my sorrows and hardships. Before midnight I want to be remembered as a happy go lucky girl.
Before midnight goes away I want to tell you that I was once happy too.. before midnight I want to tell you that I was depressed once too..
After midnight a whisper called out my name. After midnight the whisper touched my voice gently. After midnight some final whispers wandered away without a care for me.
At the star of the day I was looking at the window where some group of people were passing by but I did not noticed the police, some people are going to be arrested while others were high in alcohol and some others drunk with drugs. I did not know that my place was attracted to chaos from way too early in the morning as early as 4:30 AM. I sometimes wish I didn’t had to live here but alas is not like that.
A cat sits in the middle of the street while a car is going to run over it and suddenly the cat starts to run away from the car however the car got crash to another car and some other pedestrians and after the commotion of the scene unleashing through my very own eyes I saw the aftermath of the chaos… a baby killed, and four more were highly injured from the crash. After weeks passed by the police concluded that the guilty was high in alcohol as well as drugs.
In OverLand are those who seek power, those who seek knowledge and those who seek pride. Overland is divided by 13 sections 7 of them which belong to the light and the others who belong to the underground dark… While all sections work together to defend the overland as a whole it is clear that forces are beyond their control in order to start an unnecessary war which will drift all 13 sections will no longer exist, May peace rule over them all so that all people of overland might not die nor disappear from this soon to begin catastrophe.
I was sitting in the chair and I heard a crash on the other room, when I opened my eyes I saw them… the heroes trying to help us but we couldn’t remember anything before being brainwashed it was as if a cloud of smoke was in our minds trying to avoid getting cleared. One of the heroes tried to take out the leash around our waist but it was useless, the forced being it was getting in too close to us and we were being watched all of us the heroes were aware as well. Will we be able to get out of this mess, and remember and remove the smoke in our minds and go back to our normal lives?… I fear that it will not be possible at this rate.