Out of the desert I crawled to live in California and learned to survive on words alone as nourishment

Out of the desert I crawled to live in California and learned to survive on words alone as nourishment
So i was just watching the game when she came but and it happened to be my favorite time of year where everybody can be outside and not care and look at those daisies what colors. Anyway what was i thinking about? I don’t care, the exact size of the bolt i need is 1 and 3/4 I wonder if she has a ladder
Today actually is my sons birthday!
Feliz cumpleaños!
I bought him everything a little boy could want.
7 years old and he’s turning out so helpful.
I hope you get a great day today.
He’s artistic, funny, kind, loves adventure and he’s a lover of animals.
Here’s to you Kayleb, happy birthday.
Their once was a man who had the power to fart on command, not stinky but vocal farts. This man started by entertaining his children as they cooked and gathered. Next he was enlisted into the military where he killed his own troop with laughter. He made it to be a grand performer on stage “The Fartist” playing songs on stage without any instrument….
(Oh I guess he knew most of the time, I forgot the prompt was about discovering a hidden talent.)
I had a rough day
When I woke up I know I got up on the wrong side of the bed….
Driving to work I was held up from someone else’s accident…
At work a man came and was better at magic than me, his fireballs were dragons.
Getting home my wife asked if I was ever going to amount to anything…
If wises fell like rain, then certainly I am a storm.
Earthquakes no longer feel so foreign to my body after weeks of tremors.
At first we thought nothing of them, just the earth moving, jiggling, until they started appearing… Giants!
They had been sleeping under the earth and mountains until 3 weeks ago they rose up, at the same time, a lot of giants.
Some giants are friendly and some you avoid, you live longer that way. But don’t forget giants need to eat too.
This is a strange world or it could be our world… one day…