In sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, till death do us part. Neither of us were dead, not physically at least. Sitting at the kitchen table only a few feet apart felt like we were on different planets entirely. We both had red and blood shot eyes from the countless tears and so many sleepless nights. My heart, shatered and broken, beat inside my chest, leaving gaping holes with every pu...
When one door closes God opens a window. My mother used to repeat in moments of stress, but it never quite took to me. Open windows are reserved for beautiful fall and spring afternoons where the birds are chirping and the leaves are falling and the only thing escaping the windows is the smell of fresh pastries resting on the sill. Summer is too hot with mosquitoes buzzing in looking to find their...
Sticky floors benieth my feet and a speaker with a busted bass blasting in my ear mixed with the giggles of college girls surround me. Another whiskey warmed my stomach as i raise my glass hinting to the bartender that id take another to fill the hole I felt so deep inside. The hole inside my chest felt like the stragest mixture of fire and ice. It burned and yerned all the while being so cold my ...