I Do

In sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, till death do us part. Neither of us were dead, not physically at least. Sitting at the kitchen table only a few feet apart felt like we were on different planets entirely. We both had red and blood shot eyes from the countless tears and so many sleepless nights. My heart, shatered and broken, beat inside my chest, leaving gaping holes with every pulse. Love was never easy. Thats a lie.. love was very easy, life was very hard. Work occupied more time than dinner ever could, more attention than any date night. Stress seaped like an open and infected wound into every last good vein we had like gang green trying to kill us both until it finally won meeting us here, in this very moment at our own kitchen table that was now more yours than it will ever be mine again. My wife, now my ex wife, soon to be another stranger in the street that i pass with an awkward smile through crowded cross walks. The grim reaper didnt come for my life, but he came for my soul. He ripped it out of my beating heart through court papers and the simple phrase “im just not sure this will ever be enough.” The only thing left to give was the gold band on my left hand that i slowly slid off with shaky fingers and i stood up placing it somewhere between each of our worlds. The ring might be in that galaxy, but the indention on my finger that its left over the years couldnt seem to vanish with me out that door.

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