Sitting, my eyes glaze over the floor. The letter appeared in pink and yellow. I took a second to sip my coffee before slouching down off the stool to pick up the small letter.
Addressed to me, the back wrote in large black letters, the senders address. I didn’t want to but I opened it anyway. Tasting the coffee drip off the side of my hand, the fingers sticky from jam, the letter was easy to op...
Listen. Seeing you got ritualistic. I can’t have you sliding under the door any more with the clattering of you claws. It frightens me far too much.
How does it do it, the Bone blackness of that shadow creeping silently under the door and over the walls. I wish you wouldn’t. Stop.
Why is it that it frightens me so much, this thing on the wall, looking at me. There’s nothing but black but I feel ...