Annabel Livingstone
I am just a 14 year old that writes as a hobby :)
Annabel Livingstone
I am just a 14 year old that writes as a hobby :)
I am just a 14 year old that writes as a hobby :)
I am just a 14 year old that writes as a hobby :)
“I really can’t stand you”
“Then why are you listening to me?”
“I’m listening to you because your voice is such a gravelly, unpleasant and dead tone all at once that it is impossible to ignore you when you speak”
“SHUT UP FIVE I AM NOT THE ONE WHO LET HIM ESCAPE!” Tens voice yelled leaving Five to flinch in surprise that what she said made him that upset, but even so she wasn’t going to back down from this argument.
“me, I let him escape, you must have been asleep” five chuckled
“Did you not see me having two guns pointed at my head by two of his bodyguards, my hands where tied!” Five shouted trying to get as loud as he did but being unable
“You left me with 5 of his bodyguards to kill for myself, I was going to be a dead man!” Ten cried out
“ I left you with them because i noticed that they where unarmed therefore I assumed that the rest where as well” Five admits
“WELL YOU ASSUMED WRONG DIDNT YOU, you pathetic assassin now he nows we are after him…if only one of the others where assigned to this mission instead of you” Ten speaks as he stands his head tall knowing that he has won this argument
“ I am really sorry okay, I know it was a really stupid act that has now cost use big time but at least we have his brief case with all the info we need,BUT UNLIKE YOUR LAST MISSION YOU CAME BACK EMPTY HANDED WITH YOUR PARTNER, SIX DEAD” Five cry’s out looking directly into Tens red hot eyes, she is aware that he hates talking about it and he was desperate to win the argument.
…The silence builds up in the storage room so much that its deafening Five and Ten’s ears to the point that they are becoming physically uncomfortable. Ten turns to face the wall to just take in what he has just been told. Five stops staring at him to look as the dead bodies scattered around them, then she noticed the blood stain on her clothes. Five leaves the storage room to go to another to get changed and so that Ten could have some privacy. The story still continues. But we can only guess what happens next.
I must confess that the words Held, beheld, beloved Bring a dagger to my chest, They wrap around me like a snake That is going to suffocate me to death, I twist and turn to try get ride of the fear, But all that is left is the scars that never disappear,
I imagine the face of him Lying in his death bed with his arms held in mine, I wrap my arms around him begging for his life, But all that is left is the remains of his death He is My beloved, But he left me in fear, and pain Do I deserve this? I think of it every day, The meds don’t help, Nothing will go away, I regret my past, present and future, Oh how I wish I saw him again He is my beloved, He is my beloved.