I awoke not with a bang, nor a whimper, but a long steaming tongue scraping its way up the side of my face.
I wish I could say I was used to it, but fear always grips me when it happens.
The creature loomed over me, and I shook. Its ragged claw dragged along my arm, and its breath grew heavier over my own, despite the agonizing cuts this scratch was creating.
“I love you,” it gargled.
“Just sit do...
Is this how it feels?
I sit alone
In my thoughts
Smiling to the one I love
I’ve waited for him so
but it seems he has to go.
So I lie
Stripped down yet sweating
And pick up that five eighty page story.
Yet despite the rain
I hear the TV, noisy as can be.
I have to stay, though. There’s light.
Hands scramble to smooth out the dog ears
Of these pages, so new.
It’s time to hide.
Return to my foster ...
As I drudged through the snow, my vision deteriorated. Blinking and squinting, I kept going on. Couldn’t I go just a bit further? Despair drew closer, but I kept fighting. Even though my bones ached, I persevered like Lightning in the storm.
For hours on end, the darkness grew in the morning. Going on, I would not give up. However many steps I had taken, I could not count.
Hope was my best friend ...
As I wrote this, I got so sad..!
90 words.//
Empty inside, he always waits.
He is thrown into the trash can, ever so patient.
Nobody likes his pearly whites.
He has heard so much about Nobody:
How she wants him,
How she loves him,
How she needs him.
He is fascinated by Nobody, and wants to know her.
After all, she seems to know so much about him. It would only be appropriate.
She must be invisibl...