Every morning. The same routine; wake up, lay there and assess life, push the time until there is only have half an hour to get ready, then get up and scramble to get everything together. No self-care. No make-up. No morning shower. Just a reality check and go.
But today, for some God-awful reason, I woke up early. And not just a normal early where I have enough time to get myself together, in w...
Peering down, everything in me wanted to jump. Yearning to get in and be enveloped by the wonderful feel of the pre-heated water. The sun was scorching in the midst of summer and everything was perfect for a swim. I wiggled my toes in the shore where the lake water met the smooth stones, my chest beating with anticipation and adrenaline. A swim was always a great way to warm up my morning, g...
Everything coming along.
All at once,
The ideas align,
Excitement filled.
Minds are moving.
Imagination is strong.
The date it set.
Now we wait for the time of manifestation.
All the emotions at once,
Bubbling up inside,
Almost a little too much.
Makes the anxiety that hides,
A moment alone.
Thoughts to one self.
No longer shared throughout.
Good ...
It came to me like snails come to gardens: ready to consume.
The anxiety, pain and burden made me want to puke.
Containing myself, I gathered my surroundings.
If I were anywhere else, this would be daunting. But my love has my side, so all I must do is ask. For I shall receive, that is his task.
Though every now and then I wonder if it’s true,
That the man beside me is deeply blue.
Because h...