I stand in a room But it is strange Because I don’t know where I am But it was just silence But that’s ok Because at my house it was like this to
I am in this room because Well I don’t know why There are these people called doctors They tell me this is temporary I won’t be here forever But I know that’s lie Because when the doctors go out of the room I here them talk They say I’m insane
But I’m not insane. I swear.
Why do they think I’m insane you ask? Well there was these people Next to my home they were “disabled” But I don’t think so, I think they were just pretending so they got attention
But one day they invited me in And so one day I went in to the home And ate cookies with them my Enemy
They were so good at it Pretending
So that night I got a box of matches and I was ready
The next day I went to the home And lit the match But it wasn’t a very big fire. In fact, I didn’t really do a good job. So I just ran back to my house But the fire did catch onto a tree branch and the home started to burn
But some people survived So I only did what a sane person would do
I ran at one of the women, and I attacked her She fell But they saved her before I could do anything But I didn’t entirely fail Because one of the ladies had a heart attack and died
And now I’m here That, that’s why they say I’m insane But I’m not no matter what they say
I’m! Not! Insane!
Hmm Well maybe I am Maybe I am insane
It’s this silence! It too quiet
I’m not insane
I’m not insane
I’m not insane
Haha Well maybe I am Maybe I am insane After if I am aware that I am insane
That’s scarier than being unaware and insane than aware and insane.
“Hey John can you send this letter to Ms. James so she can send it to Mrs. Rights.”
What John heard: “Hey John can you send this letter to Mr. James so she can send it to Mr. Right.”
So John went to Mr. James and gave him the letter and said “Hey can you please send this the Mr. Right?”
But Mr. James was confused because there was no Mr. Right, but he knew that there was a Mrs. Rights but she didn’t was a widow.
So Mr. James went to the post office and said “Excuse me sir but do you know a Mr. Rights around here?”
The post man said, “Yes I know a Mr. Rights. I’ll send this to him right away.”
But little did Mr. James know that this “Mr. Right” lived in a kingdom half way across the world.
So when Mr. Rights got the letter he was on his death bed. And died reading the letter.
But back in this small town Ms. Mary waiting for Mrs. Rights to come to a funeral in a weeks time
Who was this funeral for you ask well it’s for Mr. Right, Mrs. Rights cousin.
When people say when it rains it pours they don’t know what that means. Because when you are me that all it does. It just pours. When people say “wow you’re so lucky” No That’s not how luck works. They worked for that They wished for that
But for me people say If wishes fell like rain, then certainly I am a storm
In walls of stone We sit hidden for the world But what is behind these walls? That was the question that I was pondering over
Until one day our home was demolished by trolls. But what do we do now? Will we fight back? Or Will we rebuild, And go back to our normal day to day lives? Where nobody knows we exist?
From everyone.
I can hear the grass I can smell the grass I can touch the grass I can hear the grass as it moves I can taste the air But I can not see grass
I can not see as the grass move I can not see as the animals run through the grass I can not see the rain fall on the grass
I can only imagine what the grass looks like My neighbors tell me it is green, and bright And after it rains the grass looks as if shines
But I don’t know what green looks like And I don’t know what shiny things look like I don’t even know what my neighbors look like
But I know what darkness looks like It is the only thing I can see
Because it’s hard to hear what everything looks like When you only see Nothing.
It’s the start.
Of a new day. The sun shines through the clouds. The animals run though the woods.
Now it is dinner time and the Wolves hunt. The bears attack. The rabbits hide And the deers run.
Now it is the middle of the night Wolves, Bears, Rabbits, And the dears sleep
But not everyone is asleep The bats, Raccoons, Are awake ready to go hunt.
But I’m the morning it will happen again. And again
Till it doesn’t.
Then what? What happens at the end