Plot Builder
J. Bytail
1 min read
The wind rippled violently, nearly blowing him off his feet. He caught his breath, a fall from this height would mean certain death. Everybody who visited the fortress always had the same thought: how beautiful and tranquil it was, surely it was a place fitting of the gods. But they didn’t know the truth. As often with a place as beautiful as this, the darkness was just as great. Deep within,...
The pressure builds,
Yet the dam refuses to break.
The air grows thin,
Yet the heart continues to ache.
When everything finally releases,
There is silence.
The roar of thoughts stilled,
The emptiness filled with relief....
A reflection is what you think you would see when you stare into the depths of a glassy surface. Your own face, staring back at you. This was different. I didn’t recognize what stared back. In fact I was horrified. What I saw was the depths of my nightmares, pale fangs, soulless eyes. I smashed the mirror that day, promising myself that I would never look again, but there are a lot of mirrors ...
Light tickled across the old wooden floor as the door opened. Had it always been there? Did you dare venture beyond? Questions became the wild madness of imagination, the what ifs. Still, you hesitate, your step is slow. Before you know it, the door slams shut. Every wild dream vanishes with it and you are left with nothing but doubt....
The smell of fire still lingered in the evening air. It made it hard to breath, to concentrate. Then there were the wolves, following at a distance. A simple hike had turned into life or death. Face the fires heat or the hungry mouths that blocked the path forward. There was no space to fear the outcome, all you could do is run now, listening to the scream of your own heart beat and the snarl...
The water was cold, deep and so dark you couldn’t see the bottom. But they knew it was there, just under the surface. He swore he could see bubbles if he looked close enough. Not that he had time, he had to paddle faster or fear being lunch for the monster that lurked below....
It started quitely enough, moving shadows, a echo of a step. Then it came on louder, sharper, the drag of something heavy across the rocky ground. You quicken your step, it becomes louder still, your panic rises. Faster. Harder. Until you finally trip over your own feet and realize the scrap of claws you’ve been hearing are your own....
The glass lay across the floor.
My reflect gone,
Lost to the fears of my mind.
Only shadow remains....