Spring I can’t describe how I feel that you’re here Spring you gave me June My sweet, innocent daughter You took her to
It’s funny in a way
You gave her to me You gave her cancer And you took her
You know it was the same day she died I had a dream she would Well I guess I dreamed about that every night So can’t say “the dream came true”
I found it, to describe my feelings I’d say
Courage, Courage, what I’ll always know Sargent told me it’s what I’d need But he’s not the only one So did my mom and so Greg from the navy
I wish I still had courage But instead I try and lose my thoughts, In the bottom of a bottle
I don’t get to see my children anymore And now my wife hates me
I was asked to quit And I agreed I came back sober as ever, My courage refilled I had a good month Then remembered trying to hold false courage And went back to it
I was asked again And, again agreed But this time I lied I didn’t even try
Then I lost more courage than I begun with And lost my family Every one hates me If I could try again I would
One day I woke up and I and could read minds. I had be trying for three weeks but any way, I read my mom’s mind and she knew. She ignored me and gave me my breakfast. I left for school and met up with Haley (my friend). I read her mind! She knew. She tells me “hay why would you do that we are definitely not friends” I am so confused so I say “come on Hal you just said yesterday we’re best friends for ever” She responded “oh sure real friends read each other’s minds and secrets, bye Libby.” I just lost my friend and ruined my day. Well at least the teacher likes me. “hay miss b” she looks over at me “ oh hi Lillian. Need anything?” “No just-” “Lillian did you just do that! you are expelled!” “Well, sorry. I didn’t mean to, sorry”. “Apology not expected go to the principle.” On my way I could not Believe this. THE END
THE LESSON: Not all shiny and new things aren’t always so amazing. So, just a example, your dad gave you a gold bar. Then you start bragging to your friends. Then they won’t want to be around you any more. AGAIN JUST A EXAMPLE!